Sunday, April 4, 2021


So the trees outside my window are just starting to put out leaves - it is odd, because last week there was just sticks and this week all the trees are covered in new leaves. It is a sign of Spring coming!

But not everywhere, of course - we went to near Leicester yesterda and had a walk around a tree garden, and none of the trees had leaves on them. So it is early days - it is just starting to spread northwards.

Sometimes I feel like no more than a leaf on a tree. One of thousands, whose individual contribution is minute. But each leaf on a tree contributes to the whole. And all the trees together are important - the millions of leaves together make up spring, make up the plant life on our planet. Each leaf is a part of this, but each one is important.

Easter is a sign of "new life", and this Easter - for all sorts of reasons - this Easter feel maybe a new start. Maybe just the start of the end of the Covid nightmare. Maybe, the start of the end of so much of what we have seen before - in terms of working, of the capitalism that we have all become so used to, of the political oppression we have experienced for so long. Who knows.

But there is hope. Maybe just a glimmer, but that is enough.

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