Sunday, July 18, 2021

Edge of Tomorrow

I am actually watching a film with this title, but it is also referring to the so called "Freedom Day" that is tomorrow (19th July) as I write.

I know that many who are clinically vulnerable are really worried about the relaxing of restrictions, and for then, "freedom" means precisely the opposite - it means they are unable to go out as much.

So it made me consider the difference between "Freedom From" and "Freedom To". There is a lot of celebration of the supposed freedom from restrictions. I totally get that people want to be free from the restrictions put on us - because wearing masks is uncomfortable, and keeping social distance is inconvenient. Yes, I totally want freedom from these restrictions.

But also, we need to see it as freedom to - freedom to wear a mask, to protect others, freedom to act in a way that considers the needs ot other people. That is also freedom.

Freedom always has two sides. I have freedom to use the roads to drive on to get places, but that freedom means that I have a responsibility to drive safely, and it constrains others from their freedom to drive however they like. These restrictions are not that severe, and they make the world safe for all.

For some, it would seem, the need to keep wearing a mask is too far, too much. Some people celebrate freedom day when they no longer have to. But "freedom from" restriction should also mean "freedom to" make the right choices to keep everyone safe. They are no longer legal requirements, but that does not mean they are no longer a good idea, for everyone.

Keep safe.

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