Sunday, January 3, 2021

Engaging worship

 So, some people find the idea of a zoom Quaker worship odd - a zoom meeting where everyone is muted? I mean, why?

 More traditional churches have taken a variety of approaches to online worship - zoom from the building or YouTube of the service seem to be common. It struck me that this is very much reflecting the form of worship we are used to: worship as presentation. Where the participants can join in or not, and it makes very little real difference.

 And then, in the meeting this morning, I realised that our silent meetings are totally different. Joining in - being a part of the meeting - is not an optional aspect. Each person is a full participant, and it makes a difference.

I am not intending to criticise any form of worship, but I did get a real sense of participation today, that I do not think everyone gets from a broadcast service. Because, for me, I am not "joining in". I am an essential part of the worship - actually, an existential part of it, as my typo wanted to suggest. Without me, it does not exist.

Silent meeting is not for everyone. But zoom meeting is as participative and corporate as physical meeting. And it is an experience that helps me understand deeper what worship really is.

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