Sunday, December 20, 2020

Left Behind

In meeting this morning, I was (as often) looking at my bookshelf. I noticed my copy of "Left Behind". Just for those who know it, it is not a book I have as representing my beliefs and understanding.

But reflecting on this, one of the issues I have with the book (and the theology) is that there is an acceptance that many people will be left behind by God. And yet, watching The Crystal Maze, one thing that is often said is that "No-one left behind" - a military principle, and a good one.

For me, faith is about leaving nobody behind. We should not accept that people should be left behind - and this applies spiritually and financially. This applies to health support and getting vaccination and everything.

The idea that "some will be left behind" is, to my view, anathema to a person of faith. I don't accept it, and I will fight for all to be accepted, to be included.

Left Behind - evey person left behind is a failure.

Bringer of Peace?

 Listening to the Proms, and Holsts Planets suite - a piece I love - it always strikes me as fascinating that Venus is "The Bringer of ...