Sunday, November 1, 2020

Spread your wings?

 So in meeting today, I was watching the clouds go by - this is not unusual, as I like to draw inspiration from outside during meeting. They were shifting at quite a rate today! There was a good wind, and lower clouds were passing quickly, while I could occasionally spot a higher cloud not moving noticably.

But I also saw some birds - no idea what. They were just flying with wings outstretched, enjoying the thermals or the wind, and flying effortlessly.

It struck me that we are so often blown about by the winds and storms (the world and political situation at the moment being a significant part of that), but sometimes - not always - we should open our wings, and fly on the drifts, not get buffeted by them. What does this mean? It means just ignore the problems for a moment, and enjoy life.

You will be back in the gusts eventually, but - maybe - better prepared after soaring for a while.

Bringer of Peace?

 Listening to the Proms, and Holsts Planets suite - a piece I love - it always strikes me as fascinating that Venus is "The Bringer of ...