Sunday, October 11, 2020


A group of photons leave the sun. They travel 95M miles in a few minutes, with just a few hitting space dust on the way.

They finally make it to the Earths atmosphere. Quite a few hit dust in the atmosphere and bounce around there. But not the Main Man (Photon). That one fights through.

This group make it very close to the earth, and then they hit a piece of glass. Quite a few are absorbed or reflected, but a good number get through. These find a piece of kitchen furniture, and many are taken in there, but a fair few are reflected off, rather slower, but still very excited. The original gang are now down to a sprinking.

These carry on their journey, and moments later they find some more glass. This time, ony a few get through, many are reflected. These carry on momentarily and then enter my eye. Some more degredation as they work through the structures of the eye and then a photon or two make it to be converted into electrical energy in my retina.

Then, in the space of a few inches, some of the most complex and amazing processing happens. This contributes to me seeing a reflection in the window.

This happens all the time of course. The amazing things that happen we treat as quotidian - and they are. But they are also amazing.

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