Sunday, May 10, 2020

Thin places

There was an interesting comment about thin places in the meeting today. Thin Places are from Celtic spirituality, and are places where people have experienced the presence of the divine. There are some well known places - like Glastonbury - that are traditionally known as thin places.

But it struck me in the meeting (and I ministered along these lines) that what makes a place "thin" is not the divine presence. What I have been experienced is that what makes a place thin is us - our presence. It is about our involvement, and about our ability to see the divine in wherever you are.

In lockdown, the strange blurring of home/work/church/whatever can make it really hard to find the divine in any of these places (and as they are all one, that is difficult). But if it is us who makes hte difference, then we can find the Thin Place wherever we are. It might be - who knows - that we can find the divine in our work places when we return to them.

That could be a revelation.

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