Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Castle will never be rebuilt

We have been having "Virtual meetings" these last few weeks, which is an interesting experience. But it seems to be working.

This week a number of things came together and made sense (I would have shared them, but my laptop started dying just after meeting!):

1. Others sharing their challenges with the Easter story and the theology behind it. Just for clarification, unlike those who ministered, I do accept the "traditional" theological understanding. Allbeit not all the theological interpretations.

2. A song by The Flaming Lips - The Castle. This is where the title comes from. It is about someone whose mental health collapsed and who took their own life, but it also speaks to me of the problems of mental illness - that it changes a person.

3. The discussions I have seen around asking when we will get "back to normal".

My take is that we will not - and should not - get back to normal. We should change and move to a new normal. Going back is a bad move - we need to learn lessons form this time, and move to a different way of doing things. The Easter story - however you understand it - changed the disciples. They could never go "back to normal". They had to find a new normal, a new way of doing things.

The truth is, the castle can never be rebuilt. Nor should it.

Bringer of Peace?

 Listening to the Proms, and Holsts Planets suite - a piece I love - it always strikes me as fascinating that Venus is "The Bringer of ...